Kerry On Coaching, LLC



This is an important legal document! If you do not understand these statements or any that follow, do not purchase our programs and discontinue use of this website.

Mental Health Policy

Clini-Coach Kerry Yonushonis is a licensed mental health professional in the state of Texas. However, Kerry Yonushonis only provides coaching services to clients of Kerry On Coaching, LLC. Coaching is not a substitute or alternative for mental health counseling, psychoanalysis or examination, or other mental health services. Do not delay diagnosis or treatment. Do not postpone appointments, go without or adjust medications, or otherwise rely on coaching as a substitute or alternative for mental health care.

In the event the coach deems, in the coach’s sole discretion, that coaching is not appropriate for you, coach will notify you of the termination of the coaching relationship. Coach is unable to provide therapy services to you.

As a licensed mental health professional, coach will provide certain therapy-style documents to you at the start of the coaching relationship, although therapy will not be provided. These documents are intended to explain how certain aspects of a mental health setting may carry over to the coaching relationship.

For example, while coaching is not subject to any privilege, coach does strive to keep communications confidential. However, there are certain instances, usually pertaining to self-harm or harm to others, that coach will abide by mandatory reporting rules typical of mental health settings.]

Coach does not provide letters for ongoing court cases or other purposes.

Coaching Disclaimer

The advice, and interactions presented on this website and in our products and services are solely for informational and educational purposes, in improving lifestyle, wellness, life skills and navigation of learning disabilities.

The information supplied is meant to serve as tools for self-help for personal use at your own discretion in conjunction with medical professionals.

Kerry On Coaching and Kerry Yonushonis are not licensed to provide medical diagnosis or therapy outside of the state of Texas.

The author assumes no responsibility for any circumstances arising out of the use, abuse, interpretation, or application of any information supplied on this website or in our programs. You understand and acknowledge that you are in the best position to evaluate how our information will impact your personal set of circumstances, including known and unknown risks. If you use or rely upon our information, you acknowledge that you do so voluntarily.

Our role is to support and assist you in [describe the outcome you can help your clients reach, such as: better understanding of your/your child’s learning difference, better understanding and navigation of the social and emotional impact of the learning difference, and reaching your goals, but your success depends on your own : effort, motivation, commitment, follow-through, and ability to invest in complementary products and services such as a therapist or psychiatrist if deemed necessary by the coach].

You alone are solely and personally responsible for your results, and your: background, dedication, desire, and motivation and individual capacity, will impact your results.

Application of the principles outlined here may vary from person to person and you accept the risk that your results may be different. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result.

Do not disregard professional advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read on this website or received from us.

While I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Texas, I do not engage in patient diagnosis or the practice of therapy with my coaching clients. The information I supply is not a substitute for proper medical care by a physician, or therapist, who can provide appropriate exams, treatment, diagnoses, and care recommendations.

Do not self-diagnose. Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your physician or health care professional. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly.

Your use, or non-use, of this information is at your own risk, and you absolve us of any liability or loss that you or any other person may incur from your or their use or non-use of the information provided.

In no event will we be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable or consequential damages for any use of or reliance on this website, programs, services, and/or products, including, without limitation, any lost profits, personal or business interruptions, personal injuries, accidents, misapplication of information or any other loss, malady, disease or difficulty, or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages or difficulties.

December 3, 2021